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Home Dryer Tips – How to Keep Your Dryer Running More Efficiently and Prevent House Fires


Maintaining the dryer is an integral component of daily household laundry chores, so its proper upkeep is critical to its operation and energy savings, while decreasing fire hazards.

Frequent cleaning of the lint trap, filter, and venting system helps prevent clogs that are the leading cause of home clothing dryer fires. The home warranty policy can help cover the home dryer, as you can see when you look at this site. 

Clean the Outside

Lint can clog your dryer vent, leading it to function less efficiently and even leading to potentially dangerous house fires. To keep your dryer working efficiently, regularly cleaning its outside lint trap/screen/drum and vent hose will keep it operating correctly.

Begin by emptying and washing the lint trap regularly with warm, soapy water to eliminate fabric softener residue that could clog it. Next, vacuum or wipe down the exterior of your dryer for any remaining messes or residue that may remain.

Before cleaning the vent, switch off and disconnect your dryer from power and gas (if applicable). Wearing protective gear, locate the dryer vent on a wall, loosen any clamps holding pipe to dryer backside and use a vent brush with vacuum hose attachment to pull any trapped lint from duct.

Clean the Lint Trap

Cleaning the lint trap regularly is essential to maintaining an efficient dryer and avoiding fire hazards within your home.

Lint from your dryer is responsible for an alarming number of house fires each year, so keeping its lint trap and vent clean can drastically lower your risk of starting one in your dryer.

To efficiently clean a lint trap, take these steps. Remove it and soak it in hot soapy water in a bucket before using a scrub brush to scrub. Rinse off afterwards before returning it to your dryer. For easier lint trap cleaning use either an inexpensive cardboard tube wrapping paper wrapper or paint stir stick available at any hardware or home improvement store – both can provide useful assistance!

Clean the Filter

Every load of laundry leaves behind lint, and if left untouched it can impede airflow and lead to overheating. To combat this problem, regularly clean the lint trap after every use and clean the interior vent and exhaust pipe regularly with either a vacuum or cloth; deep clean your dryer vent every six months or so.

Shut off the gas valve if your dryer is gas-powered, and remove its back panel and exhaust hose. Next, remove any duct tape or clamps attached to its end before disconnecting it from wall outlets and your dryer opening. Afterward, insert an extendable dryer vent brush (available at many home goods stores) into its vent opening; manually turn or use a drill to speed up this process.

Clean the Drum

Clean the drum regularly as well as its interior. Fabric softener, dryer sheets and detergent residue buildup inside can build up over time into a thick layer of lint that clogs vent hoses and creates fire hazards.

Before beginning, unplug and make sure the dryer has completely cooled before submerging its lint trap in warm, soapy water for 10 minutes to clean out any build-up of dirt.

If you notice stains, start by dampening a dry cloth with isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol or liquid dish soap to dampen. Take care not to soak too much moisture into it – instead change frequently so as not to redistribute the stain.

Clean the Interior

One simple way to keep your dryer operating more efficiently (and reduce its risk of house fire) is by regularly cleaning its interior lint trap and screen, drum exterior, and exterior lint collector. Empty out your lint trap after each use and wash with warm soapy water once every month for optimal performance.

At least every three months, you should also clean out the dryer vent hose and pipe using a special dryer vent brush or vacuum with crevice attachment to suck up any dust and lint accumulation that has built up within. Once complete, tighten and reclamp or tape your vent once more before tightening tighter to prevent buildup within your dryer itself. You should also periodically wipe down its interior to prevent buildup of debris buildup.

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