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6 Tips to Preventing Injury While Training 

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Training at your local CrossFit gym should be something you can do safely and enjoy, without the pressure of fear of getting injured. The last thing we want to be worried about is dealing with injuries instead of being able to train.
However, the inherent nature of exercising does come with risks. And if you’re not careful, you could suffer injuries that put you on the sidelines for several months.
Therefore, it’s important that we do what we can to reduce the risk of any injuries while training. This will help increase the chances of us remaining injury free, and as a result increase the chance of us getting better results and performance gains. And not to mention enjoy training even more!

1.) Warm Up Properly 

When we get to the gym the last thing we should be doing straight away is lifting heavy weights or jumping into a super intense workout. It’s super important we warm up properly to avoid injury. Not warming up is one of the biggest mistakes anyone can make, whether you’re a fitness expert or a beginner. In addition to cardio movements like running and riding, it’s important to also do some dynamic stretching in your warm up. Dynamic stretching will boost your range of motion and improve your flexibility prior to exercising. It’ll also get your body moving, engaging the entire body. These movements take your joints and muscles through their full range of motion, getting your blood pumping in the process.

Even if you are in great shape, your muscles and tendons will likely be tight before your workout. So a proper warm-up loosens your body, allowing them to move more efficiently and easily.

2.) Consider Physical Therapy 

If you are regularly injuring yourself, it might be a good idea to get some external physical therapy. Often there is a root cause behind injuries that you may not be aware of. Physical Therapy clinics focus on keeping individuals active while also addressing the root causes of their issues. Many injuries result from overuse. These injuries are typically caused by poor tissue capacity. After addressing pain, and returning individuals to activity, physical therapy clinics work with them to develop a long term plan to reduce the risk of these injuries returning.

3.) Focus on Your Form

Form is arguably the most important part of any exercise. If you’re not doing a movement the correct way, you’re most likely putting your body at risk of injury. Proper form will not only reduce the chance of injury, but it will also increase the potential gains you will get. If you are not doing an exercise correctly, you won’t be engaging the right muscles during it. 

If you aren’t sure about your form, don’t be afraid to reach out to your coach during training to ask for help. Don’t be shy to seek advice!

4.) Be Active Outside the Gym

It’s always a good thing for your body to be comfortable in uncomfortable surroundings. So it’s good to enjoy activities outside of regular training. Activities like Pickleball, cycling, running, lawn bowls and swimming are several ways to enjoy fitness activity outside of the gym. It’s also a chance for our bodies to get used to movements we may not be doing in the gym, and utilize muscles we may be neglecting.

5.) Keep Hydrated and Eat Well 

Your body is your temple. What you put into your body plays a huge role in your performance in the gym. Be sure to drink plenty of water to ensure you are well hydrated when training and also ensure your diet is decent. When you are low on sustenance, or you are depriving your body of the nutrients it needs, the chance of injury increases.

6.) Listen to Your Body 

It’s not uncommon to be sore after training, But it’s important you know the difference between muscle soreness, and proper injury pain. If you are feeling sharp and very uncomfortable pain, it’s best you get it looked at before you make the injury worse. Listen to your body and try to do what you can to not put it under too much stress or risk of injury. 

Being sore is a natural part of working out. It’s a sign that you’ve had a good workout. However, do not let it get to the point where you are in pain. Soreness is normal and goes away after a couple of days. However, if you feel pain for more than two days, something may be wrong.

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