The Facebook Post
Well it’s been another interesting week in the CrossFit world, with a controversial social media conversation taking place between CrossFit HQ and Reebok.
The whole saga begun last Wednesday (Feb 13, 2012), when CrossFit’s official Twitter account started sending out tweets and Facebook posts about Reebok.
Here is what some of the tweets read:

CrossFit tweets to Reebok
Now, at this stage we’re not sure what triggered the tweets and post, but it has been speculated on the CrossFit Forums that it had something to do with an IP theft issue HQ had with a particular website, which uses the term ‘Reebok CrossFit’ quite loosely.
But regardless of what the issue was, CrossFit appears to have smoothed things over with Reebok.
This morning, CrossFit staff member Russell Berger made this post on the forums:
“We have since hashed things out with Reebok and it worked out great. If you were late to the party and just want to know what everyone else is talking about, sorry. There is no reason to explain what you missed because it has been resolved and we are happy with the result.”
In addition, a picture was added to the CrossFit Facebook page over the weekend showing CrossFIt coach and founder, Greg Glassman and Reebok Chief Marketing Officer Matt O’Toole together. The caption stated the strength and goodwill of CrossFit’s partnership with Reebok was re-affirmed.

Greg Glassman with Reebok Chief Marketing Officer Matt O’Toole (Source: CrossFit)
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