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Bos Creek Recipe #2: Tenderloin Steak Tartare!

Bos Creek Tenderloin Steak Tartare

This week we’re eating like a BOS and tasting the high quality 100% Grassfed tenderloin in its rarest form. So with that said this week’s recipe is a beautiful Tenderloin Steak Tartare.

Prep Time:


Cooking Time:

0-minutes (it’s raw!)

Equipment Required:

1. sharp chef’s knife
2. very clean cutting board


1. French bread or country style bread (optional)
2. Bos Creek tenderloin cut into small dice
3. 3 tbsp olive oil
4. 1 raw egg
5. 1tbsp lemon juice
6. 1 tbsp Dijon mustard
7. 1 tbsp chopped nonpareil capers
8. 2 tbsp chopped fresh shallots
9. 2 tbsp finely chopped Italian parsley leaves
10. Kosher salt
11. freshly ground black pepper
12. Slice parmesan & micro greens (optional)

Bos Creek Tenderloin Steak Tartare


1. Cut Bos Creek grassfed tenderloin into small dice and place in a large bowl. Salt lightly.
2. Pour in 2 tbsp olive oil (placing the olive oil in at this point will prevent the beef from turning grey color once the next acidic mixture is added).
3. In separate bowl, mix egg & Dijon mustard and capers and lemon juice and whisk with 1 tbsp olive oil and pour.
4. Add shallots & parsley leaves and mix well. Taste. Note: when cutting parsley leaves use a very sharp knife and roll the knife forward.
5. Adjust salt and pepper to taste and can add pepper flakes, orange peel to taste. Arrange as in picture.
6. Eat like a BOS!

Notes: Can also be served with a side of Arugula salad


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