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Tips To Make Your Grilled Food Healthier

top 10 paleo foods

Grilling outdoors is one of the best ways to spend your summer. You can make delicious BBQ, a simple burger, or a complex meal. There are many delicious recipes you can cook on your cheap gas grill. Before you consider what to make, there are certain things you should know about to make things healthier. If you are yet to get a grill, learn about them and decide on which one to get. It is good to get a good quality grill and one that will be easy to use, so you get the most out of your BBQ. Here are some tips to help you make healthier grilled dishes.

Clean Your Grill

Before you use your grill, make sure you clean it out. You should also clean it after cooking your meals to ensure there isn’t any build-up of dirt. There are lots of ways you can clean your grill to get out all the grease and dirt from it. You can use a wire brush, or you can wipe it with a clean cloth or paper towel. Keeping your grill spotless is crucial in ensuring that your food is clean and safe to eat.

Cook at Low Temperature

One thing you should know about grilling is the effect of smoke on your health. When you grill proteins like meat, fish, and poultry on very high heat or open flames, it releases heterocyclic amines. As the fat from the meat drops on the grill, the smoke you inhale has polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. These chemicals are very harmful and have been known to be one of the major causes of some types of cancer. You can prevent yourself from exposure to these harmful substances. Simply line the grill with foil perforated with holes and then cook your meals at a lower temperature even if it takes longer. Also, have a spray bottle with water close to you to calm and control any fatty flare-ups while grilling.


One of the ways you can make your dishes healthier is by marinating your BBQ. It helps to reduce the carcinogens that are formed while grilling. Healthy marinades add flavor to your meal, and most grilled recipes require you to add it. If you want to use bottled marinades, buy the ones that contain low salt.

Flavor Your Fruits and Veggies

You should give attention to your fruits and vegetables just the same way you attend to your meat. They should be properly flavored when grilling. Like making kebabs which have both meat, leper, and pieces of onions. If you are planning a BBQ party, you also need to know how much meat to serve a person to make sure they’re getting a good portion. To keep things healthy, make something that will increase their fruit and vegetable intake, or you can stick to veggies only. There are many recipes you can cook on your grill. You can choose to be creative but always have nutritious side dishes to go along with your steak.

Safe Grilling

One of the healthy practices of grilling is that you separate raw meat, fish, and poultry from your vegetables. It should be kept separately from every other food you are cooking. Also, use a food temperature to check the internal temperature of the meat you are cooking. It is also important to keep clean habits while you cook. The plates that held the raw meat, fish, and poultry shouldn’t be used for the grilled meat. You will need clean plates to keep your meat, fish, or poultry after grilling.