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The Benefits of Working Out in a CrossFit Gym Near You

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Many people exercise to boost cardiovascular endurance and muscle building, but exercise still has a number of advantages in many other areas of your life.

For a decade or so, studies have been continually showing us as to how working out has a significant role in improving brain function. Notwithstanding the age or fitness level, along with everyone from mall-walkers to triathletes, research has found that if a person is able to appropriate a certain period of time to workout or exercise, then a person’s mental health can be improved.

If you are in Los Angeles, you should be motivated to exercise or workout in a West Hollywood gym near you. Likewise if you live on the other side of the world. The reason? The closer to gym is to you, the more likely you are to workout. And the more likely you are to boost your mental wellbeing, and lead a happier and more productive life.

Here is a list of benefits of going to a West Hollywood Gym:

  1. It can relieve stress.

If you are having a tough day at work or if you are stressed out at the office, what you need to do would be to have a quick workout – you can choose between going for a walk or better yet, do a quick workout at your local CrossFit gym. The stress relief it can provide is amongst the most predominant mental health benefits of going to the gym. Sweating out through workout will help in coping up with mental and physical stress. Exercise also increases levels of norepinephrine, a known chemical which can regulate the brain’s response to stress.

  1. It aids in increasing the happy chemicals.

It can sometimes be tricky to get the motivation to head to your local box and train. However, the effort is certainly worth it. Working out tends to produce endorphins that produce happiness and euphoric feelings. Studies has also shown that, for many of those found to be clinically depressed, exercise can also relieve symptoms. This is why healthcare professionals are recommending that people with mental issues – such as depression and anxiety or those who just feel sad – to go to a gym to exercise. Far more often, working out can be as potent as antidepressant drugs in treatment of depression. You do not even have to be a gym rat, so no need to fret. You will significantly improve your overall mood by enjoying a happy feeling just by working out a few days a week (even for at least 30 minutes).

  1. It helps in boosting self-confidence.

Physical conditioning, at a fundamental level, can boost self-esteem and promote positive self-image. Regardless of a person’s weight, height, gender, or age, exercising will effectively reinforce a person’s perspective of their appeal. And that is what we call self-worth.

  1. It will let you experience the feeling of working out outside the comfort of your home.

Doing your workouts outside the comfort of your home can give you an extra increase of self-love. Exercising outdoors can also help in improving self-esteem. Consider an outdoor exercise that best suits your needs perfectly – it might be rock or wall climbing, hiking, canoeing, or perhaps jogging in the park. In fact, soaking up the natural vitamin of the sun, vitamin D, which reduces the likelihood of getting depression.

  1. It helps in preventing cognitive loss.

This is a cold hard truth. A human mind becomes a bit rusty as people get older. When aging and degenerative disorders (such as Alzheimer’s) destroy the brain cells, the noggin gets smaller. This results in many essential brain functions being lost in the process. Even though exercising and a balanced diet can not cure Alzheimer’s disease, it can certainly help to prop up the brain against cognitive decline that usually starts after age 45. Working out, especially when you are between 25 and 45 years old, improves the chemical compounds in your brain that stimulate and avoid deterioration of the hippocampus, a critical area of the brain for learning and memory.

  1. It helps in reducing anxiety.

The chemicals that are being released during and after an exercise can help soothe those with anxiety disorders. For some people, aerobic exercises of moderate to high intensity can greatly reduce their susceptibility to anxiety.

  1. It can significantly improve the brain’s function.

Countless studies on mice and men have already shown that cardiovascular exercises can develop new brain cells through neurogenesis, thereby improving the overall brain performance. Research also show that a rigorous exercise can help increase the levels of a brain-derived protein known as BDNF, which has been believed to help in decision making, rational thinking, and learning.

  1. It aids in boosting the memory.

Continuous physical exercise enhances memory as well as facilitates you to gain knowledge on new things. Getting sweaty helps improve the production of cells in the brain. Specifically the hippocampus, which is responsible for memory and learning. Studies has also proven the correlation between the development of the brain of children and their physical fitness status. Nevertheless, brain power attained through exercising is not just merely for children. Working out has also been proven improve adult memory. A study showed that doing sprints helps in improving the vocabulary retention of healthy adults.

  1. It can help in controlling addiction.

The brain produces dopamine, a widely known reward chemical, in response towards any kind of pleasure, such as exercise, having sex, drugs, liquor, or food. Sad to say, some people are addicted to dopamine and greatly rely on the substances that produce it, such as alcohol or drugs, and more prevalently, food and sex. On the other hand, regular exercise can greatly help with addiction recovery. Quick gym sessions can also effectively distract addicts from drug or alcohol use, resulting in their addiction cravings being de-prioritized. Alcohol abuse disrupts the body’s several functions, which include the circadian rhythms. As a result, alcohol users feel that they could not sleep or sleep through the night without consuming alcohol. Exercising can also restore the body clock.

The stated benefits are only some of the things you can get when you workout in a West Hollywood gym near you. You can have a happier and healthier life with nothing more than a simple and mild workout.

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The Rx Review is an independent fitness website, reporting on the Sport of Fitness, functional fitness news, The CrossFit Games, health and diet related information, and also provides reviews on sports performance products.