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Are You Ready to Rx?

In a world where society is more rushed than ever and where five minutes is enough to read the daily news, eat a meal and check your emails it’s no wonder we are an impatient bunch.

Whether it is finding a better job, waiting in line or getting gains while working out, there is no hiding the fact that humans just don’t wanna wait for anything!

But in some cases we have to and CrossFit is one of them.

As you are all probably aware the term Rx refers to something “prescribed” and in the CrossFit world describes a workout that is performed at the recommended weight/rep/distance etc.

In laymens terms – if you’re doing every workout Rx’d then you’re on your way to becoming a pretty good CrossFitter.

The problem is getting to that level. For most beginners, it will take months if not years before they can start doing certain workouts Rx’d.

Whether it is strength that is holding you back or your cardio fitness, we all tend to forget that very few athletes in the world can perform most workouts Rx’d. A lot of CrossFitters these days are getting down on themselves for not being able to reach that desired level.

CrossFit Hollywood has written a good piece on what it takes to do a workout Rx’d. The article also details what to expect of yourself as a CrossFitter.

At the end of the day it’s important to remember that gains take time and moving ahead when you are not ready will only hold you back in the long run.

Inner West CrossFit


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