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Top Ways To Overcome The Pandemic’s Negative Effects On Your Mental Health

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The outbreak of the coronavirus has disrupted the way we operate. From the restrictions placed on traveling to the restrictions on public gathering, the pandemic has surprised us with a lot we didn’t think was possible. 

Virtually everyone is stuck indoors, worrying about the uncertainty of the future. Equally concerned about the well-being of your family or friends. The pandemic has been a rough ride for everyone. 

The pandemic has created a perfect reason for experiencing anxiety, loneliness, and depression in our communities. As such, it is important to identify productive and creative ways to handle issues that relate to our mental health. Resolving it not just on a short-term basis, but for long-term solutions as well. 

Here are some great ways that we can get through the negative effect of the pandemic on our mental health.

1. Be Open About Your Feelings

Most people think talking about their feelings is a sign of weakness but it isn’t. It’s you taking charge of your mental health and doing your quota to stay healthy.

Talking is a great way to cope with your well-being more than you can think. Just being listened to is like going to therapy for anxiety and depression and it’d help you realize you are not alone and have someone to talk to. Funny enough being open works both ways. When you open up, you encourage others going through a similar situation to do the same.

Would it be easy? It’s never easy to talk about how you’re feeling. There isn’t one word that might be able to describe what it feels like inside your head or what it makes you feel like doing. 

It would feel awkward no doubt but with time talking about your feelings would be something that you find easy.

You don’t need to sit your loved ones down for a big conversation about your wellbeing. Many people feel more comfortable when these conversations develop naturally – maybe when you’re doing something together.

2. Develop Healthy Habits

Taking care of your body during this period is imperative. Developing healthy habits would optimize your ability to think clearly, solve difficult situations, and even manage emotions. Some habits that you should develop during this pandemic include:

I. get enough good sleep: 

You were probably all caught up with work before the pandemic. It is time to allow yourself to have enough time to sleep at night and create an environment that permits rest.  Instead of worrying and allowing anxiety to get the better of you, rest.

II. Stay active

Begin the day with healthy exercises in the open because it is pivotal for you in maintaining a healthy mindset.

III. Focus on nutrition

Healthy food helps with mental health. Foods that contain enough vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants help care for the brain and protect it against oxidative stress. 

3. Drink Responsibly

Most people drink alcohol as a temporary solution to change their mood or to deal with fear and loneliness. But it’s only a quick fix.

After the effect wears off, the aftermath is usually more terrible than you were. This is because of the way the alcohol withdrawal symptom affects your brain and the rest of your body. Drinking to manage your mental health is not a good way to help yourself. 

Apart from its adverse effect on your body, alcohol is just enough to feel good for a short time.

Drinking light occasionally is a better healthy and enjoyable solution you can consider. The recommended alcohol limits every week are usually 14 units for both men and women 

Also using substances such as smoke, drugs, or other hard substances to change how they feel but the effects are equally short-lived. 

4. Don’t Dwell on Grief

Due to the change in routine people have experienced, their feeling of grief over the disruption and a perception of them being healthy and protected is gone. The growing uncertainty and cycle of constant bad news have had people off their game.

You need to become more grateful for the things you do have more than the things you don’t have. Express your feelings to people who you trust and try out new hobbies too as these are ways to handle your emotions during these times.


These are certainly not the only ways to overcome the pandemic’s negative effect on your mental health. But if you currently struggle with your mental health, you need to first remember that you’re not alone. 

The steps listed above would help you get through this period.

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