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Signs You’re Eating Too Much Sugar

Homer Simpson Food

Sugar is a common ingredient found in many of our favorite foods and drinks, from desserts and candy to soft drinks and juices. While sugar can provide a quick burst of energy and satisfying sweetness, consuming too much of it can have adverse effects on our health. In fact, excessive sugar consumption has been linked with obesity, tooth decay, and chronic diseases says this dentist in Madison Heights.

If you’re wondering whether you’re eating too much sugar, keep reading to learn some clear signs that you may need to cut back on your sugar intake. 

How Can You Know You’re Overeating Sugar?

If you’re consuming too much sugar, there are several signs that your body may be giving you. These signs can include things like bodily inflammation, cravings for sugary foods, weight gain, fatigue, skin problems, mood swings, dental problems, and an increased vulnerability to chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. 


Paying attention to your body’s signals and making a note of any of these symptoms can help you identify whether you’re eating too much sugar. Suppose you’re concerned about your sugar intake. In that case, it’s a good idea to speak with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian to get advice on how to make healthy dietary changes.

Clear Indications Your Sugar Consumption is Too Much

The most dangerous foods are those with added sugar to give them a better, more desirable flavor. Due to their sugar content, it is harder to detect, especially if the firms market them as ‘healthy food.’ 

You may consume too much sugar if you are experiencing these symptoms.

  • Premature Ageing

Having a constantly high sugar level due to continuous consumption can harm elastin, collagen, and skin proteins, which contributes to premature age spots and wrinkles. It can also cause an imbalance of your hormones, especially in females, resulting in bursts of acne, especially across the jawline. 


Microorganisms like yeast and gut bacteria are also drawn to excess sugar. So having too much of it can imbalance gut flora, which can cause inflammation in the body. It is a common symptom of skin diseases like eczema.

  • Cravings for More Food

Like caffeine, sugary foods are addictive. As stated before, they provide these short bursts of energy. Scientifically speaking, this happens by the sugar activating the reward pathway within the brain by stimulating the body to release dopamine. Like all addictive substances, it is difficult to get this under control, and often painful. Chromium can aid in restoring insulin function and supplementation to normal levels.

Lepticol Lighter is a supplement that contains nutrients like chromium, glucomannan, and psyllium husk fibers. They can help bring your body back on track. Because if you’re wondering, is sugar inflammatory? The answer is yes. So, watch what you eat.

  • Low Energy

The primary source of our energy is glucose. And we require it on a daily basis in order to function properly. However, it is necessary to maintain a balance instead of the sharp rises and falls that occur when we eat sugary food. When we eat sugary food, the pancreas releases insulin in order to transfer glucose to our cells. This is the burst of energy that we experience. 


However, once that glucose is used up, our energy levels drop, and we crave to eat more to repeat the experience and relive it. The higher the sugar intake, the sharper the energy dip will be and infinitely more dangerous. Not only this, but you will also notice an overall cognitive decline in the long run, so you should decrease (or hopefully eliminate) sugar consumption in your life and look into ways to increase BDNF as a way to make up for the damage already caused and to help you feel better.

  • Bloating

During the process of fermentation of undigested food in our colon, the bacteria and yeast present there break down the sugary food to produce gases. Certain bacteria, especially those drawn towards sugars, tend to have gases, wherein productive bifidobacteria, which break down veggies, do not produce gas. Thus, consuming too much sugar can lead your body to overproduce gas which can be painful and result in bloating and flatulence.

  • Weaker Immunity

A significant portion of our immunity system is within the gut, approximately 70% of it. And the gut works with the help of beneficial bacteria. So we need to maintain a good amount within our body by eating vegetables and proteins. However, a high-sugar diet will become the food for the less helpful bacteria and yeast, allowing them to grow and restrict the growth of the bifidobacteria. Thus, disrupting the function of the immune system and weakening it.

Before We Part!

After discovering some of the damaging side effects of some of the sugar products, you will be better prepared to decide what to buy. It has been said that what you eat determines who you are. This could not be more true.

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