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CrossFit’s Next Big Thing?

CrossFit's Next Big Thing?

On Friday I posted an article about a video that many CrossFitters, fitness enthusiasts and the general public have all been watching. The video had only be up for two weeks and had already surpassed 400,000 views. In the last 3-days that figure has increased to over 542,000.

In case you missed that article you can read about it here.

In summary, the video titled,“17 year old-girl performing movements most guys can’t do,” shows a young girl working out in one of Norway’s CrossFit boxes. It details her doing a variety of impressive movements from strict pull-ups, deadlifting over 100kgs, clean and jerking 55-kgs and even doing a few backflips for good measure.

Although it showed how strong this young woman is, I stated in that article, “The only thing we don’t see in the 5-minute video is her metabolic condition.”

However, on Saturday night I was contacted by a reader who provided the following video that shows her doing the famous Fran in what appears to be 4:17.

Based on these two videos it is clear she is a talent and strong individual. Question is could she be a Games contender in the near future?

I’ll be the first to admit these things are alway hear to measure. I’m sure many of us remember the likes of Josh Golden, who despite coming 7th in the world during the 2012 Open failed to make the cut during the Regionals.

Let us know what you think below.

Here is the video we posted on Friday.

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