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A Beginner’s Guide to Making CBD Infused Food

cbd food

Taking regular CBD oil is excellent; it is convenient, simple, and practical. So it makes sense why CBD oil is one of the most popular forms of CBD available on the market.

However, CBD oil also has another beneficial benefit – you can use it to make CBD foods. Unfortunately, buying CBD infused foods from stores can be incredibly expensive. Further complicating things is the risk of allergy problems, as users don’t always fully know where the foods are being made or what ingredients they contain.

A simple solution is to make your own CBD infused food, but how does one make CBD infused at home?

Why Would Someone Want to Make CBD Infused Food?

The idea of making CBD infused food likely seems strange to many people not familiar with CBD products. After all, if someone can easily enjoy some CBD oil or other forms of imbibing CBD, why would they need to turn it into food?

The primary benefit of CBD foods when compared to other products is both their taste and their convenience.

Instead of fiddling around with other CBD products or trying to consume them in social situations, users can instead discreetly eat pre-made CBD infused food. In the case of baked products made using CBD, they look just like any other food. So no one would question what they are.

Furthermore, there is sometimes an issue with the taste. CBD oils and other CBD products might be excellent in their own way. But they don’t tend to taste especially good. CBD infused foods taste as good as the creator wants them to.

Tips for Making CBD Infused Food

CBD can be used to make any food product imaginable. As long as a few consistent rules are observed every time.

When making CBD infused foods, the primary thing to remember is to use some kind of fat and watch the temperature carefully.

CBD only attaches to fat particles, so using a fat-based substance is recommended. A study by Zgair et al. found that cannabinoids have a propensity to bonding with fat particles, much more so than when mixed with water.

This is primarily because of the hydrophobic properties of CBD molecules; they do not like to bond with water molecules and thus will not be adequately absorbed by water. This is why CBD butter is so common.

Users also need to make sure not to heat to 295 Fahrenheit, as this is the temperature where cannabinoids break down and become less effective.

How Do You Make CBD Infused Foods?

CBD butter is the easiest way to make CBD foods; not only can you add it to many dishes, but it’s simple to make with CBD oil. You can check out various online dispensary Canada for CBD oils and don’t forget to take a look at the dosage of each oil so you would know how much to put on your food.

  1. To make CBD butter, heat up an equal amount of butter and water in a saucepan.
  2. Add your CBD oil and keep the heat on low. Make sure never to heat it beyond 295 Fahrenheit, as it will turn bitter and may become toxic.
  3. Once the mixture has been combined, at least 10 minutes, remove it from the heat and cool it down until it is safe to handle.
  4. Store it in a plastic, squeezable container with a lid and refrigerate it overnight. The fat will have hardened in the morning, leaving behind some murky liquid that can be discarded down the sink.

The leftover butter can be used in place of any other fat in any recipe but is especially good in things like brownies. Tasty, sweet, and easy to make, CBD butter makes for a great snack and an excellent way to enjoy some CBD.

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