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10 Steps to Recovery Following Physical and Mental Injury

Shoulder pain exercises prevent injury

You can be injured at any time in any manner. Without warning, you could be struck by a car, slip at work or become the victim of a violent crime. In the UK alone, over 300,000 people injure their backs while at work. And that’s just a tiny percentage of overall injuries. Although back injury is very common, it can have a significant impact on physical and mental wellbeing. Therefore, recovery following a physical and mental injury can be a long road. 

Take It Easy

First and foremost, you need to take it easy when recovering from any type of injury. Failing to allow time to heal risks ongoing issues and will prolong the recovery process. As a result, any physical damage will take much longer to heal. Additionally, you need to allow yourself the time to mentally process your current situation. This is essential for life-changing injuries such as losing a limb, diminished cognitive function because of brain injury, or becoming dependent on medication to function.

Consult the Professionals

Following any injury or trauma, you will be taken care of by medical professionals. You will be under constant care and supervision during your immediate hospital stay as you recover in an infirmary. However, once you leave a facility, further treatment is a choice. It is highly advised that you consult the best rehabilitation services you can. Whether this will cost money or is covered by insurance and/or a national health service depends on where you live. For example, US citizens may pay a premium while people in the UK get most cover from the famous NHS.

Know Your Limits

Like taking it easy as you recover, it is helpful if you understand how much to push yourself. For most people, getting back to normal as soon as possible is the number one priority. Yet, it is better to know your limitations in many instances of injury and not push yourself too hard. It can take a toll on your mental state as you come to the realization that life won’t be the same, if even temporarily. Trained therapists will work with you as you regain confidence in yourself and allow your mind and body to recover. 

Understand Recovery Takes a Long Time

Of course, traumatic injuries, whether physical or mental, don’t heal overnight. For example, the average recovery time of a non-life-threatening car crash is six weeks. And although this doesn’t sound like a long time, a hospital stay and daily physiotherapy can feel like a lifetime. Additionally, you will undoubtedly be affected mentally. A car crash is a serious and traumatic event, and PTSD is common with those involved in vehicle collisions, whether driver or victim. The effects of PTSD can last a lifetime and seriously affect relationships and careers.

Discuss Treatment and Therapy

Further to recovery, you may need to undergo various treatments and therapies. For example, a back injury following a trip or slip at work is pretty standard. Unfortunately, back injury is notorious for taking a long time to heal, and the pain can be unbearable. Therefore, you might find yourself on prescription painkillers. Prescriptions may cause concern since many substance addicts started their drug abuse problems following the use of opiates like Oxycontin and Tramadol. Additionally, you may need to undergo physiotherapy and counseling.

Bolster Effects the with Unconventional 

Whether in pain or not, you may not agree with some of the standard treatments and therapies offered to you. Therefore, you can actively seek out unconventional therapies. Using back injury as an example again, you could consider a chiropractor or specific CrossFit exercises for the back. For psychological trauma causing depression and anxiety, low-level laser therapy might help. In Las Vegas, laser therapy is one of the most popular new treatments for pain and decreased mobility. Finding a good practitioner for cold laser therapy in Vegas is also easy, with many clinics offering this service. However, you should be aware that most insurance providers don’t cover experimental or unconventional treatments. 

Supplement Therapy Holistically

Sometimes, western medicine isn’t always the only answer, and ancient practices might offer some additional benefits. For example, doctors in the USA and UK recognize the benefits of practicing Yoga for physical rehabilitation or meditation for mental health. While these may not cure illnesses, they are viable and profound supplemental treatments for getting the body and mind back into shape. Other examples include Reiki, acupuncture, acupressure, Tai-Chi, and massage. 

Seek Solace in Friends and Family

Recovering from anything is difficult enough. It is made even worse if you lack a support system provided by friends and family. It is therefore imperative that you ask for and accept help from those around you. For example, it is initially embarrassing to ask for help going to the bathroom. However, it might be necessary when considering the alternative. Times like this are what friends and family are for. By sharing your worries and acknowledging you might need help, those close to you will be all too happy to help. 

Return to Work When Necessary

When you are discharged from the hospital, you might feel a false sense of security that you are OK because they let you go. Try not to get ahead of yourself. You will be discharged from the hospital when you recognize that you don’t require emergency care and there is no immediate danger. This doesn’t mean you are 100% fine to get back to normal. Therefore, take your mind off work and only consider returning upon the advice of your professional medical care team. Your employer cannot force you to return to your job if it causes injury.

Seek Out Ongoing Treatment

Personal injury can affect you for the rest of your life. It is, therefore, necessary to acknowledge you might need ongoing treatment. Treatment includes professional medical procedures such as seeing doctors, physiotherapy, and psychoanalysis following psychological trauma. It can also mean being medicated for pain, cognitive function, or aid to an injured bodily system such as digestion. Even the simple act of taking prescribed pills every day can cause depression. It is common for patients to rebel by discontinuing a course of medication. If you feel this way about any of your treatments, seek your GP or consultant’s medical advice immediately.

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