WOD SuperStore’s Website
With the 2013 CrossFit season now in full swing, plenty of athletes across the world are looking to add new CrossFit products to their growing gym bags.
Whether it’s a new jump rope, athletic tape, skin care products or a new pair of shoes, chances are there is at least one item you’d like to have in your hands over the next few months.
With this in mind, our friends at WOD SuperStore have decided to give you all a chance to win one of 10 FREE $20 Gift Vouchers to help you buy your next CrossFit item!
In case you’ve never heard of WOD SuperStore, they are an online CrossFit store that sells everything from supplements, clothing, shoes, jump-ropes, tape, jewellery and even books.
WOD SuperStore also sponsor a number of top athletes, including 3rd Fittest Woman on the Planet, Talayna Fortunato and the amazing 42-year-old Becky Conzelman.
To get you hands on one of the $20 Gift Vouchers, all you have to do is check out WOD SuperStore’s website by clicking here, and tell us in the comments section below:
What product would you buy from WOD SuperStore with a $20 Gift Voucher? And what would you like to see on the site that isn’t there right now?
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The $20 vouchers can be used to purchase any item from WOD SuperStore. Here is a look at some of the bargains you can get with your voucher:
- Goat Tape – $4.99
- PR Wraps – $19.99
- Jump Rope – $17.99
- Paleo Cook Books – $19.95
- Foam Rollers – $19.95
- Workout Shirts – $19.95
- CrossFit Jewellery – from $14.99
If you want to buy something worth more than $20, than just use the voucher to reduce the price!
WOD SuperStore now ship to Europe, Australia and Canada as well as the US, meaning this competition is open to anyone living in those regions.
UPDATE: This competition is now over. Thanks to everyone who took part in it! Click here to find out if your were one of the 10 winners.
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