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Weight Gain: Reasons for Sudden Weight Gain

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Generally speaking, weight gain is an intended or unintentional increase in body weight. Especially if there is an increase in weight without increased appetite or changes in food intake, and if it happens suddenly and inexplicably, it could be classified as weight gain. 

The body has a strong tendency to keep its weight stable. As long as there are no deficiencies that need to be compensated for and food intake and energy consumption are in balance, the bodyweight of healthy people will only fluctuate within narrow limits. Natural exceptions to this rule are, for example, pregnancy, growth during childhood, or the build-up of muscle mass through targeted training or steroid usage. Although many people buy clenbuterol as a weight control pill, it is proven to have potential limitations.

From a medical point of view, an increase in body weight can be interpreted as a possible disease symptom if it occurs without a recognizable cause or even very suddenly. In this respect, the following applies: If you gain weight, for example, without changing eating habits or despite an unchanged appetite, the causes should be clarified by a doctor. This applies to an increased degree if the increase takes place over a relatively short time.

Common causes of weight gain

The most common cause of body weight gain is excessive energy intake through food, usually in the form of high-fat or carbohydrate meals. But underlying diseases such as an underactive thyroid or heart failure, as well as certain medications, can also lead to weight gain.

In western countries, the most common reason for an increase in body weight is found in our modern diet. Specifically, this means that our diet provides too much energy. Usually in the form of fat or carbohydrates, which exceeds our actual needs. The body stores the excess energy from food as fat. A more or less pronounced overweight develops, which stresses the heart, circulatory system, joints, and metabolism. In this case, weight loss activities are adopted, and many people buy clenbuterol as an effective weight loss pill.

However, various illnesses and medications can also promote weight gain. Sometimes water retention is responsible for a change in weight.

Other causes of weight gain:

  • Underactive thyroid 
  • Taking medication such as antidepressants, estrogens, insulin )
  • Cushing syndrome characterized by increased appetite
  • Tumors in the hormonal centers of the brain (pituitary gland, hypothalamus)
  • Tumors that give off insulin or growth hormones

Changes in body weight are not always due to fat deposits or growth processes. As a result of various diseases, there is increased water retention in different past of the body. This change manifests itself in edema (swelling due to water retention), for example, on the ankles, in the abdomen, or the lungs.

Causes of Edema include:

  1. Disorders of the mineral and salt balance
  2. Heart failure (heart failure) – often visible water retention, especially in the ankles and lower legs, and frequent urination at night
  3. Liver cirrhosis: Abdominal dropsy – significant increase in abdominal circumference as a result of water retention
  4. Kidney disease (water retention especially in the leg area)
  5. Underactive thyroid
  6. Diabetes mellitus
  7. Certain medications, such as the birth control pill (the package leaflet provides information here)
  8. Cancer

Have your weight gain checked by a doctor

The extent and rate of weight change should be known as accurately as possible to determine the cause of weight gain. This information can be obtained through weight, nutrition, and activity logs.

If there is no evidence of malnutrition or if additional symptoms such as edema indicate another cause of the weight gain, further tests for diagnosis are essential. 

As with all illnesses, even with an unexplained weight gain, the doctor’s assessment is important. Of particular interest are:

  • Changes in eating habits
  • decreased physical activity
  • General complaints that indicate a physical or mental illness, such as listlessness (e.g., with depression), sleep disorders, increased thirst (e.g., due to diabetes mellitus), cravings, etc.
  • hormonal disorders
  • taking medication

Indications of the cause of the weight gain are checked and supplemented in the physical examination. Bodybuilders and weight losers burn fat and accelerate muscle gain through the use of Anabolic steroids. Steroid usage is widely rampant due to its widespread availability, and almost all trainers know where to buy steroids online and in physical stores.

Also, it is particularly important to check the body for edema. Blood and urine tests provide information about the condition of the kidneys, liver, and hormone system (including sugar metabolism, thyroid function). Blood pressure and cardiac function tests (ECG, ultrasound) allow initial conclusions drawn about cardiac function. If necessary, further special examinations are carried out.

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