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Turn Walking Your Dog Into A Workout For You With These 4 Tips

Neal Maddox with his dogs

No matter how much you love exercising, sometimes, you just do not have enough free time on your hands to go to the gym. There are obligations like work tasks, chores, hobbies, or anything else that deter you from this.

However, if by any chance you have a dog, then don’t forget that you can turn it into double duty. What do we mean by that? It means that there are lots of ways you can turn this activity into a workout. Want to know how? Keep scrolling!

Excellent Ways To Turn Walking Your Fur Friend Into A Full-Body Workout 

Warm Up With A Jog

Begin your exercise with a fast, up to ten minutes jogging warm-up. Now, if your doggo likes to sniff everything he sees, then you should focus on training your pooch to keep a jogging pace instead of letting him stop and mark everything he stumbles upon.

Employ your leash to guide your dog while at the same time controlling his speed, so that both of you can clip along at a warm-up pace. Make sure to increase the speed as your pooch learns the ropes. Now, if you’ll be doing this on a hot day (which can be pretty exhausting), then ensure to bring Asobu dog water bottle or any other portable thing, to keep your pup hydrated. Keep in mind that you must drink water as well.

Grab Some Weights

This for sure is going to spice up your routine. Therefore, you should bring some small hand weights and ensure to alternate hands each block in order to burn more calories per every step. This extra resistance is going to enable you to build on your strength and, at the same time, get the most out of this relatively short workout.

What Else Can You Do?

Ball Throw & Burpees 

You are going to do this for five rounds total. So begin by standing with the feet should-width apart and holding your fur buddies‘ toy (it doesn’t necessarily have to be a ball) in one of your hands. Throw the toy as far in front of you as possible and when your doggo runs after it, you should instantly start executing burpees.

Do as many of them as you can while your pup fetches his toy, and once he returns, you should perceive it as the first round. If you’re able to, repeat it at least four more times.

Switch Things Upon Your Walks

To be honest, every routine becomes too boring over time, consequently, you must find ways to upgrade it and make it more entertaining. Alter your routine by having longer walks, more demanding terrains, a faster pace, etc. 

Various mental and physical stimulations are going to keep both of you extremely motivated. If you notice that your dog immediately lies down to rest as soon as you arrive home, it means that you two have had a serious workout.


One of the best things about taking your dog for a walk is the fact that both of you will have some form of physical activity, while at the same time, doing something that’s entertaining and making memories that only the two of you will remember.

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