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Things You Should Know About Turmeric


Turmeric has long been a part of traditional medicine. It is a yellow spice people use for medicine and food. The spice is gaining popularity because of its potential health benefits. Many people use it in various dishes, but more are taking turmeric as a supplement. But before you start buying turmeric in supplement form, you should know the important things about taking turmeric because not all forms of turmeric you can find in health food stores or pharmacies are the same. For one thing, the turmeric supplement may interact with your other medications.

What is turmeric?

Turmeric is a yellow spice made from the root of the turmeric plant. Turmeric root is often used in Persian, Indian, and Asian food, and historically, India and China used it as herbal medicine.

Turmeric’s active ingredients are curcuminoid compounds that give the root its distinctive yellow color that can stain everything that comes in contact with it. For most people, the most familiar compound is curcumin.

Researchers need more time to ensure the benefits that many people who use turmeric claim. Several studies suggest that turmeric can help reduce swelling and pain, boost mood, and fight certain cancers. However, the studies on turmeric were conducted on animals; thus, clinical research on its effects on humans is not widely available.

You can find turmeric supplements in various forms in health food stores and pharmacies. If you are interested in trying turmeric supplements like turmeric latte, click here.

Tips for taking turmeric

In many Asian countries, they cook various dishes, such as meat, poultry, rice, and vegetables, with fresh or powdered turmeric to add color and flavor. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration generally recognized turmeric as safe as a food ingredient.

If you are wondering how to add turmeric to your healthcare routine, you should know how to take it safely and get the most out of using turmeric.

Forms of turmeric

Turmeric comes in different forms, so you have options for taking it.

  • Topically. You can apply it to your skin to help relieve your problems with psoriasis, acne, or eczema. Remember that your skin may stain if you use fresh turmeric to create a paste. Your other option is to buy a cosmetic preparation containing turmeric. The body does not absorb turmeric, which only affects the skin.
  • Diet. Since turmeric is considered safe, you can add fresh or powdered turmeric to various dishes such as roasted meat, soups, and curry. You can also add turmeric powder to a cup of warm milk.
  • Supplements. You can buy turmeric supplements from pharmacies and health food stores. However, you should look for turmeric supplements specially formulated for easier absorption. Likewise, turmeric supplements that contain turmeric extracts have more curcumin and fat compounds. In addition, if the manufacturer uses nanoformulation, you can be sure that the body can easily absorb the turmeric supplement.

Now that you know how to take turmeric, it is better to talk with your doctor before taking a turmeric supplement because it can negatively interact with some medications. Also, you may experience some side effects. For better absorption, you should take the supplement with food. Adding piperine, from black pepper to your food also helps with turmeric absorption.

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