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Staying Fit While Traveling

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Despite our best intentions, many of us find that vacations pull us away from how we usually take care of our bodies.  We aren’t near our gyms anymore, the food is unfamiliar and unhealthy, and all we want to do is lounge by the beach or go sightseeing.  Our bodies shouldn’t have to pay the price for giving our minds a break, though!

Staying in shape while getting away shouldn’t be hard.  Here are the best ways to keep on top of your fitness goals while also having fun and enjoying your vacation.

Do Themed Work-Outs

Nobody likes the idea of doing a hundred push-ups or sit-ups on their hotel room’s floor.  Instead, you can find workouts that suit wherever you’ve traveled to.  Some examples would be taking up running on sand, or against the tide, if you’re vacationing on a beach- or learning rock climbing in a mountainous area.  If you need a break while on vacation looking at St Albert real estate, you could slip off to Banff and take up skiing for sport instead.  Every vacation spot has something that can be done for physical fitness if you want to get out of your hotel room. 

Eat Locally Caught Fish and Crustaceans

Most locally caught seafood is healthier than the carby delights you can find beside them on menus.  Look for fish dishes that are served with greens or on greens, and try to lay off on butter or cream sauces.  Instead, try to aim for dishes that either come with lemon or that you can request citrus for.  This may feel a little silly at first, but you must try to stick to your diet.  Most restaurants are used to seemingly silly or different orders.

Sign Up For A Gym’s Free Trial

If running on the beach, or pushing against the tide, isn’t working for you: there’s another option!  Most gyms offer a free three-day to one-week trial for anyone wanting to experience their gym.  Although this may be a morally gray thing to do, you can go to nearly any chain gym and ask for a free trial.  This will allow you a place to work out for a few days and possibly give you a go-to spot for your vacation gyms.  If you like it enough, consider signing up for a national-pass that most chain gyms have that will allow you to work out anywhere they are.

Make Breakfast For Yourself

Breakfast is one area of our day that many people calorie splurge without realizing it.  A plate of waffles, bacon, some eggs, and a big creamy cup of mocha coffee can quickly add up to almost a thousand calories.  That’s just one meal out of your day.  Instead, try to buy groceries at the beginning of your vacation and make yourself breakfast throughout your stay.  This plan could mean buying a lot of fresh fruit and having island-themed fruit salad, or it could mean making overnight oats with a little protein powder to push you through the morning.  Buying and making your food will save you calories and help you save money in the long run.

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The Rx Review is an independent fitness website, reporting on the Sport of Fitness, functional fitness news, The CrossFit Games, health and diet related information, and also provides reviews on sports performance products.