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Signs Your Body Wants You To Slow Down

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Your body tells you a lot throughout the day. When you’ve stayed up too late it makes you feel drained, when you’ve skipped your morning coffee you get a headache, and when you haven’t eaten in a few hours it makes your stomach rumble embarrassingly loud! 

But we can ignore these signs and push on regardless, but that can be a step too far. Even when you’re staying fit and healthy your body can also be telling you to slow down a little, because it’s very easy to overdo things in our modern world! And with that in mind, let’s go through some common physical signs that you need to take a break. 

You’re Forgetting Things Easy

If you sometimes forget what you walked into a room for, or to pick up your shopping list, or whose birthday it is today, then you’re living life totally normally. However, if you’re forgetting these things on a daily basis, there’s a chance your brain is tired and crying out for a break. In this situation, be sure to write things down as soon as you remember them, and try to get a bit more sleep by either napping or going to bed earlier. 

You’re Experiencing Aches and Pains

When you start to experience real pain from taking too much on, it’s a clear sign you need to slow down and relax! Cancel or reschedule an appointment, get some more sleep, or simply grab a blanket and curl up on the sofa for the evening. 

Of course, regular aches and pains can be a sign of something more serious going on. In cases like these, it might be worth it to visit a specialist like Dr Simon Hutabarat; back pain, joint pain, or numbness are three common symptoms of long term stress and they definitely need checking out.  

You’re Finding it Hard to Sleep

Sleep can elude us when we’re stressed out, and if you’re finding it hard to sleep, it could be a sign your body is restless and ‘overtired’. It might not make much sense to stay up all night, but we can have some very counterproductive reactions to what’s going on in our lives! You may want to see a doctor about a problem like this, or look into your own sleep hygiene and see if you can give it a boost. 

You’re Rarely Eating Proper Meals

Finally, do you often struggle to find the time to eat? Maybe you’re snacking more often, and skipping meals entirely? Then this is a surefire sign something is going on in your life! You should never be too busy to address this basic physical need, especially if you’re struggling to sleep well at the same time. Talk to a nutritionist, meal prep as often as you can, or invite friends and family over to give yourself a reason to cook. 

Your body often wants you to go a bit easier, and when it does, you’ll certainly know about it!

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