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Self-Care Tips During The COVID-19 Crisis

staying fit COVID-19

With lockdowns in place and more people spending time alone or in close quarters with their families, looking after yourself is vital. Your physical and mental health are at risk during times of crisis, and the current Covid-19 pandemic has brought with it some unique lifestyle changes. Not only is there the ongoing fear to deal with, but there is also the loss of contact with loved ones and friends, or even a chance to escape a stressful home life by going outside. Not to mention the fact CrossFit gyms across the world are mostly shut! Luckily, no matter what your situation is, there are a few steps to take that will make you feel both happier and healthier. If quarantine is getting you down and you see no end in sight for lockdowns, here are the best ways to give yourself some self-care.

Get Offline

You want to stay up to date with what is happening in the world, but the constant barrage of death tolls and political mishaps can get very depressing very quickly. It’s important that you don’t overload yourself with negativity. You do not have to do a full digital detox, but it is smart to limit how much time you spend online, and especially on social media. The problem with social media is that it has been proven again and again to make people feel unhappy. Logout of Facebook and stop scrolling through Twitter. Check online a few times a day if needed, but avoid it if the world is getting you down.

Looking after Physical Health

You need to protect your body as much as your mind. The healthier that you are, the more likely that you will be able to stay mentally positive. Even though the gym may be closed for the foreseeable future, there is plenty that you can do to protect your physical health. Make sure that you:

  • Stick to a healthy, balanced diet
  • Book in for some IV stem cell therapy for COVID-19 to prevent infection
  • Do not let your sleeping patterns get disrupted and aim for seven to eight hours every night
  • Do some home exercises every day
  • Avoid using alcohol or drugs
  • Follow the quarantine restrictions that have been advised by medical professionals

If you are not in the best physical shape, then now might also be an excellent time to start watching and following yoga or Tai-Chi channels on YouTube.

Tips for Mental Health

As well as avoiding social media, there are other actions you can do that will help keep you feeling more positive during the Covid-19 pandemic. The most important is to have a routine. If you live with others, create a daily timetable together and stick to that routine as much as possible. Remember that it is not all about tidying up or getting the kids to work. It is also about scheduling fun, relaxation, or even alone time. Even if you live alone, a routine is vital for giving you focus. You should also:

  • Read 
  • Listen to music
  • Look at your local community and get involved in (socially distancing) ways
  • Learn a new skill or take up a new hobby

Nobody knows how long the pandemic, or the quarantine is going to last. As the world continues to be challenged in this unprecedented crisis, looking after yourself is more important than ever. Keep busy, wear a mask, remember to relax, and the lockdown could be over before you know it.

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