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Kickstarter Campaign for “The Paxter”: All-In-One Hygiene Container!

paxter kickstarter

It was only a few months ago The Rx Review first heard about The Paxter – a brand new all-in-one hygiene container, perfect for travelling athletes.

We were initially quite impressed with the design, which allows people to carry their favourite hygiene liquids (shampoo, conditioners, cleanser etc.) as well as their toothbrush and other bathroom essentials in one container!

The multifunctional container is perfect for travelling athletes who want to be able to carry all their needs in one container, or for those who need to shower on-the-go after training sessions etc.

The Paxter is roughly the size of a shampoo bottle and doesn’t take up much room in any gym bag. It has the ability to carry enough liquid (approx 95ml) to last an average user 2-3 weeks and is made from sturdy, unsqueezable plastic, which means it will never leak when squashed inside your gym bag.

Apart from carrying liquid, the Paxter also has a waterproof compartment that can store a number of small items like cotton buds, tweezers, nail clippers, vitamins and more. Items like keys and jewellery can also be kept in the waterproof section so they don’t get lost or stolen.

the paxter pumping

At the back of the Paxter there is also a section for a toothbrush. The section is also ventilated with holes at the top and at the bottom to have air circulation for a quicker drying of the toothbrush. The holes also let the excess water, that could get it while using Paxter, to escape while at standing position.

At the time of first writing about The Paxter, the product was still in it’s ‘design phase’ and was unavailable for public purchase.

However, the good news is the company has now just launched its Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign to help bring The Paxter to the market.

the paxter

According to Kirill Petrov, the creator of the product says the public response so far has been nothing but positive:

“We saw a real need to be filled and after a great deal of research, development and smart design choices Paxter was born. Not one person has seen Paxter so far and not been completely impressed,” he said.

“This is a product that could transform how people approach their shower hygiene products in a very real way. We are looking forward to exceeding even very high expectations.”

the paxter pumping

Kickstarter Campaign:

Paxter has set a goal of USD $20,000 for donations. Each fund raising tier comes with its own bonus, which include being able to get one of the first run of Paxter, sure to be very much in high-demand.

You can find out more information at Paxter’s Kickstarter campaign, which can be found here:

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