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Halloween Dress Up

It’s Halloween! A time where we dress up as vampires, nurses, Frankenstein or any other pop culture celebrity of the day. That is unless you are obsessed with CrossFit!

The CrossFit Games just placed some photos on their Facebook page of a couple, who this year decided they would dress up as Rich Froning Jr. and Annie Thorisdottir, the 2011 CrossFit Games champions. The duo even went to the extent of replicating the huge $250,000 novelty checks that were presented to the winners.

Great idea, although I have to say in the madness of Halloween I can see this being the one time where carrying a $250,000 would be more hassle than it’s worth. It may also be one of the rare instances where by the end of the night you would be happy to leave a check of this “size” behind.

Anyway it is great to see how not only the sport but also the individual athletes are now gaining enough exposure that people are actually starting to parody them for Halloween.

CrossFit Halloween Dress Up

CrossFit Halloween Dress Up

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