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Essential Oils for Sore Muscles

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Essential oils are the future of pain relief. The perfect way to get your post-workout fix, they’re also good for massage therapy. And can even help you sleep better!

A mixture that contains lavender essential oil has been shown in studies as effective at reducing muscle soreness after exercise when applied topically or inhaled deeply from inhalers like diffusers – so not only does it smell amazing but this natural remedy could be ruining those aches all day long too!.

There are many ways to relieve sore muscles, one way is by adding essential oils into the bath. You can also use them as part of a compress on your skin or inhale from an aromatherapy diffuser. Which will help you relax and release tension in those tight areas!

What are Essential Oils?

Essential oils are derived from plants and used to treat illness, enhance physical health or mental well-being. They’re also historical medicine’s most prevalent form of therapeutic treatment for thousands upon thousand years!

Using Essential Oils for Muscle Pain

It is important to know that essential oils should never be applied topically without dilution.

They’re highly concentrated and can irritate the skin or lungs. So you’ll want a carrier oil like olive oil for this purpose. It will also help with muscle pain!

To use them effectively all one needs do their research on what blend works best based off both desired outcome. As well any medical conditions they may have first hand experience.

There are so many ways to get relief from your pain!

You can add a few drops of oil into bath salts or baking soda then take that mixture in the tub for additional soothing effects.

Another way, apply some essential oils on top when you have either hot compresses (which will warm up tissue) OR cold cloths ready-to go at all times; this works best if they’re not too wet because it’ll increase their cooling properties through evaporation during application – just make sure there’s enough liquid coming off these materials before applying them near our skin: earl grey,

Essential Oils to Try

There are many different essential oils that can be used to relieve muscle soreness.

Some of the most popular ones include lavender, peppermint and tea tree oil because they’re thought to relax you while also providing relief from tension as well as reducing inflammation in your muscles by acting on them directly through chemical reactions with oxygen molecules present at lower levels than normal air quality standards allow for safety reasons but these don’t mean we should avoid other options if our body needs something else!

Try rating what smells best without any chemicals added just pure plant scent dilution–how does this sound?


Lavender has been used for centuries to help with sleep and relaxation.

While it’s not clear how exactly the scent relaxes you. Studies have shown that lavenders are effective at relieving pain. As well as inducing feelings of calmness in those who inhale them!


When muscles are tense and sore, chamomile is a great way to relieve the aches. It might even have anti-inflammatory properties that can help with pain relief! The Roman variety of this plant works best when you want relaxation while German Chamomile would be better suited for those looking at fighting inflammation in their system .


The cooling effect of Eucalyptus oil can be helpful for reducing the sensation of muscle soreness and pain. It may also help reduce inflammation, which contributes to this issue in some people’s lives!


Rosemary is a herb that has been used for centuries to help with sore muscles.

In addition, rosemary stimulates the mind, memory and senses while also being an anti-inflammatory agent so it’s no surprise this little plant can do all sorts of things!

One recent study found rose oil specifically helped reduce markers inflammation in women who experienced delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) after working out as evidenced by its high estimated eucalyptus content which helps calm you down when your body starts healing itself post workout.

Additional Oils to Try

Don’t just take my word for it! Check out this meta-analysis on essential oils and pain that found several other oils may also provide relief.

  1. Basil: The fresh aroma of basil can reduce tension and inflammation.
  2. Birch: You can use birch to get relief from muscle spasms and inflammation.
  3. Black pepper: The warming and pain relieving properties of black pepper oil make it a great addition to any healing routine. The chemical composition also has an antimicrobial effect that can help kill bacteria, viruses or fungus in the body which might be causing infections!
  4. Clary Sage: Clary sage is a natural remedy that can be used to lessen the pain and tension in your muscles, as well as provide warming effects.
  5. Clove: Clove is used for pain relief
  6. Cypress: It may reduce muscle spasms
  7. Ginger: Ginger oil is one of the most warming and soothing scents out there!
  8. Marjoram: Marjoram is a great herb for when you need to relax and unwind. It helps with sore muscles, as well!
  9. Peppermint: Peppermint is a natural anti-inflammatory that can provide relief from pain, inflammation and muscle spasms.

Safety Precautions

It’s always important that you speak with your doctor before using any essential oils, even if they seem safe. Some can be unsafe for pregnant or breastfeeding women and others have been shown not to work well in certain medical conditions like allergies which could trigger an attack from them

A few of the most popular alternatives include lavender oil (used mainly because it relaxes), peppermint extract – also known as menthol-avnetorpeborite coal tar preparation( elevates mood) rosehip seed powder found ingested raw fruit/vegetables apricot pits

The safety and effectiveness of using essential oils as a replacement for proper medical care has not yet been proven. It’s important to note that they should never be used in place of routine visits from your doctor, especially if you’re experiencing pain beyond post-workout muscle soreness or other types/intensesesespansive Burning sensation when touched

A person might think that because these products come with instructions on how much dilution etc., this means it’s safe—but there isn’t enough research done yet regarding long term effects so please use caution!

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