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Double Chin Surgery: What You Need to Know

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One of the first areas to age is the neck; for certain people, the fat tends to gather beneath the chin more often.

Their entire jaw and facial profile may be impacted by accumulated fat and loose skin. Surgery to repair a double chin involves removing layers of fat and extra skin from under the chin.

A plastic surgeon could advise neck lift surgery, neck liposuction, or a combination of the two if you want to get rid of your double chin.

With various techniques, you can give the chin and neck region a firmer and more defined look. These can remove extra fat around the neck and tighten the surrounding skin.

Various Types of Double Chin Surgery

Skin loses suppleness with aging, softening the jawline. Genetics, UV exposure, and smoking all have an impact on elasticity.

Options for treating double chin include surgical and non-surgical methods. While liposuction, facelift, and neck lift are some surgical methods, Double Chin Removal with Kybella is a non-surgical alternative.

Nevertheless, here we’ve discussed some effective surgical methods for double chin removal.


The liposuction technique reduces fat deposits under the skin and shapes the contours of the neck and chin. Under the skin, the doctor creates a tiny incision and inserts a tube to remove the fat.

Local anesthesia is often all that is needed during liposuction to numb the general region. A cannula, a tiny tube, is inserted into the chin in various sections. Small, precise quantities of fat are suctioned out of each area using mild suction.

The end outcome is a smoother, more uniform profile with less submental fat. Compared to less invasive procedures, the surgeon has a lot more control over the amount of fat removed and its location.

You may sleep through the procedure of liposuction since it is performed under sedation or general anesthetic.


Doctors can eliminate a double chin with face-lift surgery by removing fat and loose, sagging skin from the area around the chin and neck.

General anesthesia usually puts patients to sleep. However, it is also feasible to do so using a local anesthetic. They provide your most impressive and consistent outcomes.

You lose your double chin and get a taut, young-looking jawline after removing your fat and superfluous skin. Since you are asleep during the surgery, thanks to the general anesthetic, you don’t feel anything.


Different neck-lift techniques work to tighten the neck muscles (platysmaplasty) or remove superfluous skin (cervicoplasty) to enhance the shape of the neck and chin.

This technique is frequently performed in conjunction with a standard face-lift, which may result in a stiff neck for several months.

A neck lift involves the removal of extra skin and the tightening of the neck muscles. Your surgeon makes incisions below the ear and occasionally behind the chin. You may need to take two weeks off from work after a neck lift.

Who Are the Suitable Candidate for Double Chin Surgery?

Any of the above double chin surgery can make a double chin look less prominent for most people. However, if your skin isn’t elastic and has a loose or droopy appearance, you might not be suitable for liposuction or submentoplasty.

It is not suitable for patients with major medical problems as they could face serious hazards from the general anesthesia used during some double chin procedures.

Moreover, any surgical operation may have a higher risk of bleeding for smokers and those taking anti-clotting medications like warfarin.

You need tight, supple skin and adequate muscle tone to be a candidate for double chin surgery. After neck liposuction, the redundant, inelastic, and larger skin types often don’t redrape. Therefore, the applicant for chin liposuction must have adequate skin elasticity.

The majority of patients who have chin reduction surgery have localized fat deposits that are excessive compared to the rest of their bodies. The ideal patient for chin reduction surgery must be in good physical condition and have a healthy lifestyle.

What to Expect After the Surgery?

Depending on your doctor’s surgical technique, recovery may take some time. You should anticipate 10 to 14 days of inflammation and bruising following any of these operations.

Any incision sites may receive a doctor’s recommendation to apply antibiotic ointment. Usually, they will advise staying out of the sun or slathering a lot of water on the chin and face for a few days.

Following the operation, you should prepare for mild swelling and pain. Due to swelling and bruising, the skin around the neck and chin may feel a bit tight.

A doctor will often remove face drains that were placed to lessen blood and fluid accumulation in your neck over the next couple of days.

Interestingly, recovery from liposuction is frequently significantly simpler. After neck liposuction, doctors advise not exercising for at least 2 to 3 weeks or until any bruising has subsided.

What to Expect from the Procedures?

You will consult with a plastic surgeon before undergoing cosmetic surgery to reduce a double chin. You and your surgeon will talk about your objectives.

They will then discuss your cosmetic surgery alternatives and provide suggestions. They will also inform you about any potential hazards of surgery and go over your alternatives for pain management with an anesthetic.

In addition, you need to provide information regarding the following:

  • Your medical background, including illnesses, allergies, and past operations.
  • Using illicit narcotics, cigarettes, or alcohol.
  • A medical examination with your primary care physician or blood work may be requested of you by the plastic surgeon before surgery.
  • Any prescription or over-the-counter medications you are taking, as well as vitamins.

You will have to give up smoking and discontinue using specific drugs such as aspirin, NSAIDs, and herbal supplements before the procedure.

After the primary discussion, the surgeon will also measure and examine your face and neck and ensure you are a good candidate. They will then use a marker or a pen to draw on the skin and snap photos of your neck and face.

Winding Up

Through surgery, fat cells can be permanently eradicated from the neck region. A plastic surgeon can trim away any extra fat and smooth the skin while shaping the region. However, surgical treatments may have some hazards, including chin tucks, neck lifts, and chin liposuction.

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