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CrossFit’s Latest TV Commercial

For those of you who watched the replay of the 2012 CrossFit Games yesterday, you might have noticed a number of new CrossFit TV commercials aired during the breaks.

HQ has released a number of new advertisements to draw more people to the sport, and to make people aware of the benefits of CrossFit.

The ads feature short interviews with a number of Games competitors, including Annie Thorisdottir, Matt Chan, Chris Spealler and Katie Hogan.

Personally, I think they do a great job of explaining what CrossFit is all about, and the main ad ends with a great quote:

“People walk through the door and say, ‘hey, where’s all the machines?’ We’re the machines!”

Let us know what you think of the ads by leaving a comment below!

Here is the 2 minute, unedited version of the new CrossFit TV Commercial:

And here are the two 30 second edited versions of the ads.

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