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CrossFit News Round-up: Jan 23. 2013

2012 Australian Regionals

With the exponential growth of CrossFit over the last few years, there is undoubtedly more news about the sport popping up everyday.

Although, in the midst of all this CrossFit news there are just some stories that we are not able cover or get the time to report on.

So today, we thought we would provide you with a few links to some of those stories.

1. HUFFINGTON POST — Crossfit — Miss America Mallory Hagan And Other Celebrities Who Love the Workout

2. The Royal Gazette online — CrossFit members community impact

3. — A Workout At Tumwater’s CrossFit Luminis

4. Southeast Missourian — Jump-start your workout routine with CrossFit

5. TheNational — CrossFit: a workout that keeps you coming back

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The Rx Review is an independent fitness website, reporting on the Sport of Fitness, functional fitness news, The CrossFit Games, health and diet related information, and also provides reviews on sports performance products.