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Buyers Guide: Tips on Purchasing Bumper Plates

John catches up with Bass from SPS Gear to find out some basic tips when purchasing bumper plates.

In the video above, Bass gives us three major things we should all look out for before making a purchase, which include, price, construction, and the bounce of the plates. He also talks about things like the thickness of plates, how to prevent 5kg plates from breaking and what you might expect to see in some of the cheaper bumper plates on the market.

If you’re currently searching for a set of bumper plates for use at home, or a CrossFit affiliate owner looking to deck out your own gym with a new set of bumper plates, make sure you check out the above video to ensure you don’t make a regrettable purchase!

If you had any questions about buying a set of bumper plates, let us know in the comment section below.

You can also check out our buyers guide to purchasing an Olympic Barbell by clicking here.

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