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Additions to Your CrossFit Gym That Aren’t Barbells or Gym Equipment

crossfit gym additions Additions to Your CrossFit Gym

As an owner of a CrossFit gym, you want to ensure you get the essentials right. Things you want to make sure you have include; good coaches, reliable equipment, sufficient space, air control and access for members.

However, there are many things that aren’t barbells or gym equipment that help make your gym a better place, and a more attractive place to train.

Here is a look at some great additions to your CrossFit box:

Cafe/Food Area

CrossFitters love to chat. Go to any gym and look around after a tough session. You’ll most likely see a bunch of members sitting around talking about the workout, their training experiences and how the lives are going. Rather than have them do this in the middle of the gym floor, why not have a cafe or food area where they can do it? Not only will it get them out of the way for the coach to focus on the next class, but it will also give you (the owner) an opportunity to increase revenue through food and/or drink sales!

TV/Projector Screen

This addition shouldn’t cost you too much money. A big screen TV or even a projector is a great addition to any CrossFit Gym. Not only is a it a great way to display gym information, but during events like the CrossFit Games and CrossFit Open, it’s great to have all members gather around and check out the action together.

Arcade Games/Entertainment Tables

CrossFitters are usually quite competitive. So why not give them the chance to beat their fellow members outside daily WOD’s? Arcade games or entertainment tables like foosball tables and table-tennis tables are great ways to give your members something to do outside training. It also helps build a great environment within your box.

Outdoor Area

Training outdoors can suck at times. Especially when it’s raining or freezing cold. But during the summer months, it can be a great chance to soak up some Vitamin D and enjoy the sunshine while training. Setting up some bars and lifting platforms is an easy way to allow members to workout outside every now and then if they feel like it.

The above are just some ways owners can help improve the atmosphere inside their CrossFit gyms. But while it’s great to have all these additions, the main focus should still be on ensuring your box has good programming and silid trainers to help members execute the training effectively and efficiently without causing injury. Once you nail that, the above additions should be considered!

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The Rx Review is an independent fitness website, reporting on the Sport of Fitness, functional fitness news, The CrossFit Games, health and diet related information, and also provides reviews on sports performance products.