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8 Reasons You Should Date CrossFit Girls

date crossfit girls

Everyone knows that emotions can run high in the Box. Passions are inflamed and endorphins are flowing. And for many of us, this high intensity environment breeds lifelong friendships amongst each other as we help each other get to the next level. However, could it be more than friendship just around the corner? Training out of a CrossFit affiliate is a great way for guys (or girls) to find a partner who can relate to them and share their intensity and drive that attracts people to CrossFit in the first place. So next time you’re in your local Box, stay on the lookout for love, as you never know whether you’re dream partner could be threading muscle-ups together on the other side of the room.

1. CrossFit Gets the Juices Flowing

CrossFit is nothing if not an endorphin booster. Studies have proven that higher levels of endorphins in the brain correlate with an increase in sex drive. So dating a CrossFit girl should make it much more likely that you’ll be getting a regular workout of the day in the bedroom, as well as the Box.

2. CrossFit Girls Have Drive

CrossFit and laziness aren’t two things that usually go hand in hand in a member of a gym. Coming back day after day in the knowledge that they’ll be pushing their limits every single time speaks volumes about a person’s character. It also shows that both of you are willing to do what it takes to exceed your own expectations. If that’s not a shared value for a relationship, then what is? In a potential long-term relationship, it’s important to have someone next to you who’s willing to push you to be your best. That is one of the values that CrossFit instills in participants above all others. So find a ‘CrossFit girl’, and together you can both help each other reach your goals.

3. Confidence is Sexy

Confidence is always sexy in a partner. Sure, no one likes arrogance, but seeing someone who carries themselves with conviction and can handle themselves under pressure is an attractive trait. Whether someone has hit a new best for squat cleans or has just nailed their first double under, CrossFit has the ability to build confidence in participants that people naturally gravitate to.

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4. Sculpted Body

Certainly, there are obvious reasons why you would want to date someone with a taut, toned body who works hard to stay in great shape. However, beyond the beach or the bedroom, there are other benefits to seeing someone who likes to stay conditioned. Most people are familiar with the refrain “Does my butt look big in this?”. But once heard one too many times, it starts to become repetitive and often annoying.  In addition, it can also signal problematic low self-esteem. If you have a partner who trains regularly in the gym, and is on track with their physical development, then they’re going to be less likely to come to you fishing for affirmations about their self image.

5. Training Partner

One of the best aspects of CrossFit/functional fitness is that any two people can strive for the same intensity in a workout session, regardless of level, age or gender, since every workout can be scaled. So why not compete with your new partner over who can push themselves furthest? As well as pushing your performance further, this is a great way to get closer to each other and form a lasting bond as a strong foundation for your relationship. It also makes training more enjoyable, and helps you get the most out of the equality functional fitness can provide.

6. CrossFit Helps You Eat Right

Everyone should strive for healthy eating. However, if you’re in a relationship with someone with differing eating habits, it can be hard to keep your food intake on the straight and narrow. If both of you are committed to CrossFit training, though, you’re far more likely to be eating responsibly when sharing meal times. As well as helping each other stay trim, long term healthy eating can reduce the risk of health problems, both in your immediate future and later down the line in life.

date crossfit girls

7. Share Your Successes

Experiencing success, no matter how small, leaves you feeling terrific. The only thing better is when you can share in these successes with a loved one. Even minor achievements should be celebrated. And the potential for development available in the gym means you’ll have ample opportunities to go through them together, leaving you on a high that’s certain to extend into your personal life.

8. Quality Time

Mutual interests never fail to improve a relationship. With a shared passion for CrossFit, both of you will have ample opportunity to conveniently spend time with each other. While your schedules might clash every now and then, it’ll still leave you with plenty of time to have a drink with friends, or hang out with the boys at poker night knowing that you’ve already spent some quality time together.

CrossFit/functional fitness enthusiasts are united by a passion for achieving goals and pushing themselves to the next level. These are always desirable interests in a partner, and will make romance come more smoothly when you both know you share the same wavelength about so many values. Next time your CrossFit affiliate, see whose eye you can catch. And remember: the couple who trains together, stays together.

Written by Anabel Cooper.
For more on Anabel you can check out her twitter account by clicking here.

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