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5 Apps for Young People that Help Make Workouts More Productive

crossfit apps

Are you trying to get fit? You’d like to gain muscle, lose some weight, and become leaner? That generally requires consistent workouts and a ‘no excuse’ attitude to ensure you turn up to your CrossFit gym as often as possible. 

Most people admire athletes. At college and university, those are the students who often become most popular. But they also often have access to all kinds of innovations in sports. They work with professional trainers, and it looks like they’ve been born to make “being fit” their job. 

An average young person, on the other hand, can often be dealing with a ton of responsibilities. And for many, they fall back on the, “I don’t have time to work out every day” excuse.

But the truth often is that you do. 

Here is a list of 5 workout apps that will help make your work-out programs more productive, so you don’t have to make excuses for not training!

5 Apps for Productive Work Outs

  1. Google Calendar

If you want to work out more productively, you have to make your entire lifestyle more productive. 

You’ll plan when you get up in the morning. You’ll plan the exercise routine, your meals, your classes, your homework, and everything else. It’s not too much. If you lag behind some of these activities, you’ll have to make up for them the days ahead and you’ll start skipping on your exercise.

Fill in your calendar with all your activities. If you realize you’re too busy this week, assistance with case study may open up some space in your schedule. With time, you’ll learn how to make priorities and stick to your schedule. You’ll need to sacrifice some of the activities, such as three hours in the evening spent watching TV series.  

  1. 7 Minute Workout

“I don’t have time for a workout” is not an excuse. Do you have 7 minutes? Of course, you do! Set your alarm to wake you up half an hour earlier every day, and do these 7 minutes of exercise every single morning. You’ll have time for a quick shower after that. 

When you get into a routine that’s not demanding but delivers results, you’ll see that you can easily make physical activity a consistent part of your lifestyle.

  1. Beachbody on Demand

Your vacation is close and you want to shade some of the winter fat as quickly as possible? In that case, you need a powerful routine that delivers fast effects. This is the app for you. 

You can choose a program that works with your schedule. For example, the Shift Shop program lasts for 21 days and takes 45 minutes per day. The Transform :20 program lasts for 6 weeks, but takes only 20 minutes a day. 

How much time can you devote to this year’s beach body? Choose the program, download the app, and place the routine in your Google Calendar. 

  1. Sworkit

Sworkit is awesome because it gives you a variety of routines, so you can choose the one that suits your style. You will find strength exercises that help you build muscle. Cardio routines make you more agile and fit. Yoga helps with both flexibility and muscle. Stretching exercises are also available, and they are great for relaxing your muscles after cardio or strength plans. 

You can rotate between these routines, so you won’t be bored by doing the same thing every day. 

Here’s an example of a cycle: cardio + stretching, yoga, strength + stretching, and yoga. The next day, you start from cardio again. With this schedule, you’ll have challenging exercise every other day.  

  1. MapMyFitness

Even if you skip the work out for today, you should stay active. You burn calories with walking and running around campus. This app will track your physical activity, even when it’s mild. You will get inspired to walk more and use your car less. 

You can track various activities through it: rock climbing, cycling, running, walking, and even vacuuming. You’ll realize that being active is not just about planned exercise programs. It’s a lifestyle.  

You’ve Got This!

Yes, you should always try to love the way you look. Your physical appearance is a small part of who you are. We have nothing against all shapes and forms, as long as you feel comfortable in your skin. 

That doesn’t deny the fact that physical exercise is important for your health, energy levels, and overall wellbeing. You don’t have to challenge yourself too much. Install an app on your phone and spend time with the recommended routine every day. Track your activities in your Google Calendar, so you’ll stay on track at all times. 

If you want to feel better and stay committed to working out, you can do it!  

Written by Jeremy Raynolds

Jeremy Raynolds hasn’t missed a day of exercise for three years. Working out helped him overcome depression and feel better about himself. Through his blogs, Jeremy tries to present physical activity as something that everyone needs in their life.                                                                                  

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