This November The Rx Review is giving you the chance to win $500 in our four week ‘November Online Fitness Competition’ powered by CompeteNow.
Each week in November we will announce a workout which athletes right across the world can complete for their chance to win.
On top of the $500 prize for the top male and female at the end of the month, we will also be giving away weekly prizes for the athlete with the top score/time at the end of each week, along with spot prizes for workouts that impress us, or even make us laugh!
The competition is open to anyone, anywhere in the world and the process is very simple. Here’s how you can enter:
- Sign up to CompeteNow for FREE by clicking here.
- Complete the workout and upload your score to CompeteNow (when logged on choose the ‘Challenges’ tab to submit your score).
- Share your Ranking from the leaderboard or Rank detail via Facebook while tagging #CompeteNow and #TheRxReview (see image below for help).
- Follow the online leaderboard and check back at the end of the week to see how you fared!

Example of how to share your score on CompeteNow
Last week’s workout consisted of thrusters, pull-ups and push-ups. This week it’s a couplet of a row and deadlifts!
The Week 2 workout is as follows:
For Time:
1km Row
20 Deadlifts (180 lbs for men / 110 lbs for women)
500m Row
10 Deadlifts (180 lbs for men / 110 lbs for women)
250m Row
Movement Standards:
Row – Athletes will need to use an indoor rower with a monitor that measures distance. Monitor must be reset to zero before beginning each row (i.e. going from 1km row to 500m row).
Deadlifts – The barbell must start on the ground and finish in your hands at mid thigh, with the knees and hips extended. The shoulders must be behind the barbell when viewed from the side. The barbell cannot be bounced. The arms must stay extended as the barbell is lowered to the ground for the rep to count.
Participants have until this Sunday to upload their video/scores to CompeteNow to be in the running. Submission deadline is 6PM (Pacific Time) on Sunday, November 15, 2015.
The Week 3 workout will be released on Tuesday, November 17, 2015.
Until then, happy training and good luck!
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