New Rule Changes for 2013 Regionals
Just like all sports, CrossFit is evolving every year. As a result, there will always be some changes to rules and the way events are run.
This year HQ has announced a number of changes for this year’s Regional competitions, which get underway on May 17, 2013.
Here is a closer look at some of the major changes that will be seen over the next few weeks:
Start and Finish Locations
At last year’s CrossFit Regionals, there was a bit of confusion in some events about where athletes had to stand, or what they had to touch, in order to complete the workout. This year all athletes will have designated start and finish locations. The start area will be a green mat with their lane number on it, while the finish area will be a red mat. The workout will only be completed once the athlete is on the red finishing mat.
New Lane Assignments
This year, Regional events will have a new lane system, similar to the one used in swimming. Top athletes will now be assigned the middle lanes for all events, making it easier for fans to view the top contenders, instead of them hidden on the outer edges of the competition floor. Just like in swimming, the highest ranked athlete in a heat will start from Lane 6 (the middle lane), with the second highest ranked athletes starting from Lane 7, and the third highest ranked athlete starting from Lane 5. This pattern continues all the way down.
Some Grips Allowed
The use of hand grips will be subject to the approval of head judges in each Region. This year, HQ has allowed the use of basic hand grips, that are primarily used for hand protection. All grips must be non-tacky and not designed to give athletes an advantage. Gloves and tape are allowed, but gymnastic grips with a dowel, lifting straps, or any device used to attach the athlete to their bar or equipment are not allowed.
Specific Locations for Reps During Workouts
In some events this year, athletes will be required to perform parts of a workout in designated areas within their lane. For example, if the workout was ‘Diane’, like last year, the athlete would have to do the 21 deadlifts while standing on the large, white “21.” After the athlete finished 21 handstand pushups, the athlete would then advance the barbell to the large white “15” to do the 15 deadlifts, and so on.
If you’re a athlete competing at the 2013 CrossFit Regionals and want more information on some of the above changes, make sure you contact HQ on support@crossfitgames.com.
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