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Kickstarter Campaign for Revolutionary Talon™ Barbell Collar

Traditional barbell collars kind of suck.

How many times have you been in the middle of a workout and had to re-adjust a collar that had loosened up, slipped across the bar or even fallen off?!

Over the past few decades we have seen some major improvements in barbell collars, with the modern ‘clamp’ style collar proving to be more efficient than the original ‘steel spring’ collars. But these days it’s still very hard to find a collar that doesn’t still loosen up during repetitive drops of the barbell. Not only does this present safety issues, but it can also cost athletes precious times during competition and training.

Now, however, it seems we finally have the answer with the Talon Barbell Collar by PRx Performance.

Unlike most other barbell collars on the market, the Talon collar is made of a slap strap and magnets and looks nothing like most standard collars we see being commonly used. The Talon Barbell Collar looks a lot like one of those ‘old school’ slap bands and literally takes one second to put on the bar and one second to take off.

The Talon collar also provides a lot more stability than other standard collars. With the use of old welded grade N52 Neodymium (rare-earth) magnets, the cross-curve steel strap provides the best non-slip solution on the market. The band itself is also covered with a flexible non-slip surface for added grip and longevity.

talon barbell collar 3 Talon Barbell Collar

Here are some of the features of the Talon Barbell Collar:

Easy pull handle All you need is 1lb of force to start the removal process, which can be done with one finger. The magnets are easily separated, as the opposite polarities are exposed.

Easy travel – Just put them back-to-back and take them anywhere. They are also a lot smaller and lighter than most other collars on the market.

Simple Storage The collars can be stored easy with its magnetic surface and can be simply placed on a weight rack or inner barbell.

One hand operation The simple design of the Talon Collar means you can put the collar on and off with just one hand.

Personalize them – In the near future Talon will be offering multi-colors and customization.

Fast to put on/off – The Talon collar literally takes one second to put on and off the barbell and can be done with ease.

Ultra Secure – Use of magnets and flexible non-slip materials ensures the collar is secure at all times and won’t accidentally open by itself.

The Talon Barbell Collar Kickstarter campaign launched earlier this month and, if successful, will provide funds for the production of the collars to be made available right across the world.

If you’d like to back the project and contribute to the campaign, head to the Talon Kickstarter page by clicking here.

Make sure you do it soon though, with the campaign closing Wednesday, April 6, 2016.

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