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Jack3d and OxyElite Pro Still Being Sold in Stores

Jack3D OxyELITE Pro

It was just days ago we [reported] a New York Times article citing the US Army’s investigation and withdrawal of Jack3d and OxyElite Pro from military bases. Our report noted the popular supplements had been removed from over 100 GNC stores on military bases across the United States.


OxyELITE Pro found on shelves in Chicago

The withdraw came after toxicology reports found dimethylamylamine known widely as DMAA was found in the bodies of two Army personally who had died after physical exercise on the same US Army base last year.

Since writing the article there have been rumors that the popular supplements had also been withdrawn from all civilian GNC retail stores across the country. After hearing of this I walked into several GNC stores across the US, including this one in Chicago where these pictures were taken. On all occassions and as these pictures clearly show, I found both Jack3d and OxyElite Pro still being sold and stocked on shelves inside all the GNC stores I attended.

It should be noted besides the Army pulling the supplements from its military bases there has been no FDA or US Federal Government request to recall the products so is perfectly legal for it to be sold in stores. The rumors were simply that it was also no longer being sold in any GNC stores across the United States. However after finding it in several stores across the country this clearly does not appear to be the case.

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