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Fitness Advice to Follow After a Motorcycle Accident

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Motorcycle accidents can be devastating, with most injuries landing victims in the hospital for at least a few days. Many injuries from motorcycle accidents require weeks at minimum of recovery, and it can make life incredibly difficult for a while. In some cases, you may even have to relearn how to move and walk without further injury.

When getting back into fitness after a motorcycle accident, it’s important to be safe, take it slow, and follow expert advice for your specific injury. There is, however, some specific universal advice that most people can follow to make the most of returning to the fitness world post-injury.

Types of Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcyclists are particularly vulnerable to accidents, as they do not have the same protection as automobiles do. Additionally, due to their smaller size, many drivers do not watch out for motorcycles as much as they should. Accidents and motorcycle injuries range from mild to severe, with states like Florida and California seeing the most motorcycle fatalities due to busy streets, weather, and winding roads. New York City’s congestion can cause frustrated drivers to hit motorcyclists easily. Even in smaller states like Alabama and Tennessee can be high risk for motorcyclists; even in small towns! For example, Tennessee’s Springfield motorcycle accidents resulted in one fatality, and its population is only around 10,000.

Minor motorcycle accidents can result in small fractures or road-rash, but recovery can still take weeks. More severe accidents can even cause permanent paralysis or temporary fractures that severely impact mobility over several months. The type of injury determines recovery time and rehabilitation methods.

Physical Therapy

After any type of injury or pain that limits mobility, physical therapy is an excellent option for recovery. Physical therapists are highly trained to move and work the body in a way that is productive and helpful for any injury or recovery. They can tailor your physical activity to your specific injury, ensuring you’re making progress without injuring yourself further. This is a crucial step in the recovery process. Jumping straight from injured to hardcore workouts can hinder progress and even cause permanent damage.

Find a Personal Trainer

Once you’re confident with physical therapy progress, a personal trainer can take it further. When you’re cleared to resume regular physical activity, a personal trainer can help you work on target areas without overexerting them. They can help you ease into a fitness routine instead of going full blast. Slow and steady wins the race; there’s no shortcut to safe physical activity.

Post-Injury Exercises

Post-injury exercises should be gradual and low-impact, at least at first.

Weight Training

If you want to improve muscle strength, a balanced weight training routine can get your muscles into shape. Start with 3-lb or 5-lb weights at first to get back into the swing of things. It’s good to target different muscle groups on different days, with plenty of rest in between. One day, focus on arms with simple reps, and on another day, focus on legs with leg lifts and other simple routines. Core muscles should also get a day, but with care; the core can be injured easily, especially post-recovery.


Cardio exercises are important for improving stamina to its original levels. This also needs to be gradual and low-impact. Running, jumping rope, and other similar types of cardio can be hard on the ankles and knees. Starting off on a simple elliptical machine is better for joints, or slow walks on treadmills if you really want to use one. After a few weeks, you can start jogging or running at a very gradual pace. Swimming is excellent for the joints and provides a smooth, low-impact way to work muscles and get the blood pumping. Water can also soothe achy joints and muscles.

Keep Safety in Mind

It may seem tempting to push yourself to get stronger faster. However, this can often backfire and result in aggravating an existing injury, or even creating new ones! Your body will often tell you when it is tired; it’s important to listen to it and take it slow, especially at first. When you aren’t accustomed to physical activity, your body needs to ease back into it. Don’t do any intimidating weight amounts or machines during your first few weeks. Consider bringing a friend to assist if necessary. Be certain to seek medical assistance if anything feels too painful or wrong. A small amount of muscle pain is normal after a workout, but anything further is worth a doctor’s visit.


A motorcycle accident can be serious, along with the injuries it causes. Working with a physical therapist and personal trainer is the first step to learning to move and work out again. The best way to jump back into the fitness wagon is to do it slowly and steadily, otherwise you risk injuring yourself further. Pay attention to your injuries, recovery, and body to see the best results from a workout. Take plenty of rest, hydrate, and alternate cardio and strength training. Swimming is beneficial for all of these purposes. Stay safe!

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