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Armaid Giveaway!

Thiago using the Armaid

Thiago using the Armaid

Just over month ago, Michael wrote a review on the Armaid Self Therapy Tool for Arms and Elbows.

In a nutshell, the Armaid is a self massage tool designed to treat any arm or elbow injuries. It has been widely endorsed in the CrossFit world with Kelly Starrett and a number of athletes giving it the tick of approval.

Michael loved the product soooooo much, it earned the first ever perfect 10 out 10 on The Rx Review.

Any product that receives a perfect review score deserves to be shared within the CrossFit community, which is why The Rx Review is giving away 2 Armaid Self Therapy Tools!

2 Armaids to Giveaway!

2 Armaids to Giveaway!

For your chance to win one, all you need to do is leave a comment below telling us about your case of tendonitis in your arm or elbow, and how limited your range of motion is.

We’ll give the Armaids to the two worst cases!

Each one retails for around US$100, so we want to make sure we give them away to people who will use really use it to get their arms healthy again and keep them that way.

Unfortunately, this giveaway is for U.S. residents only, but if you’re from outside America and keen to find out more about the product, you can head the their website by clicking here.

The competition ends once we giveaway the final Armaid, so don’t waste any time, leave us a comment below!

We’ll be announcing the winners next week!

UPDATE: Due to the great response by our readers, we have decided to give Armaids to everyone who responded to the question asked! How do we say yes to some and not to others? Pain is pain and a restricted life is just that. So, we are now giving away 14 Armaids instead of 2!!!

If you left a comment below, can you please send your post details to john@therxreview.com to receive your Armaid!

UPDATE: This competition is now finished. Thanks to everyone who took part and commented. Cool

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