2013 CrossFit Regionals: Individual Event Schedule
After releasing all individual events for Day 1 and Day 2 of the 2013 CrossFit Regionals, HQ has now unveiled the full event schedule for this year’s competition.
Here is a closer look at all the workouts:
Event 1: Jackie – 1,000 meter row, 50 Thruster, 30 Pull-ups
Both men and women use the empty 45-pound bar, so we’ll be able to compare athletes’ fitness, not just across regions, but also across genders.
Event 2: Overhead Squat Complex
Athletes have 7 minutes to progress up a ladder of predetermined loads to their max weight. There are four possible starting weights (85, 125, 155, and 175 pounds for women, and 135, 185, 225, and 255 pounds for men), and then the women will increase in 5-pound increments while the men increase in 10-pound increments. They can get the barbell overhead however they choose, but must perform 3 overhead squats before moving onto a heavier weight. Athletes are scored by their highest successful overhead squats.
There will then be 2 mintues of rest before the commencement of event 3.
Event 3: 30 Burpee Muscle-ups for time
Athletes must complete a burpee before the muscle-up, for 30 reps. There is a 7-minute time cap. Also like the 2012 Games, the rings are preset at a fixed height, and not adjustable for athletes’ preferences.
Event 4:
For time:
- 100 Wall balls (20 / 14 lbs to a 10’ target)
- 100 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
- 100 One-legged squats, alternating
- 100 One-arm dumbbell snatches, alternating (70 / 50 lbs)
This workout is very similar to the 100′s workout featured at the 2011 Regionals, only on paper, it appears to be even harder! Instead of standard pull-ups, athletes will have to perform chest-to-bar pull-ups, while kettlebell swings, overhead squats and double unders have been replaced with wall balls and alternating pistols and dumbbell snatches.
There will be a 25 minute cut-off time for this workout.
Event 5:
21-15-9 reps for time of:
- Deadlift (315 / 205 lbs)
- Box jump (30 / 24 inch)
Event 5 will be the first repeat workout at the 2013 Regionals. The event was held at the 2011 Regionals with Austin Malleolo holding the world record for the men, with a time of 2:56. Annie Thorisdottir holds the world record for the females with a time of 2:57.
Event 6:
For time:
- 100 Double-unders
- 50 Handstand push-ups
- 40 Toes-to-bar
- 30 Shoulder to overhead with axle (160 / 100 lbs)
- 90 foot Walking lunge with axle in front rack (160 / 100 lbs)
Athletes will start Sunday morning with a gruelling chipper workout including double-unders, handstand push-ups, toes-to-bar, shoulder-to-overhead with an axle bar and walking lunge. The axle bar was used at last year’s CrossFit Games, and will be used for the first time at a Regional event in 2013. The thicker bar also doesn’t spin, presenting competitors with new challenges during the workout.
Event 7:
Four rounds for time of:
- 15 foot Rope climb, 2 ascents
- 100 foot Sprint
- 4 Squat cleans (225 / 135 lbs)
- 100 foot Sprint
The 2013 CrossFit Regionals will finish with an interesting workout consisting of rope climbs, sprints and squat cleans. This will also be the first time rope climbs will be seen at a Regional event.

2013 CrossFit Regionals: Team Event Schedule
In the Teams division, all workouts are variations of the Individual Events. All the movements will be the same but the structure will be different to cater for multiple team members.
The first weekend of the 2013 CrossFit Regionals gets underway May 17, running all the way to June 9. For more information on the workouts, you can check out all the movement standard videos by clicking here.
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